This is what's inside my bug out bag

Hi. I'm Cris with Wobbly Otter Outdoors, and this is what's inside my bug out bag.



above: Video of my bug out bag and what's inside it.


When putting together our bug out bags, we realized that the stuff we put into them, are the same things we routinely use for camping. So, although it is my bug out bag, I refer to it simply as my pack. Pretty much any time I go anywhere, my pack goes with me.

At home, once or twice a week, we cook using the stoves and fire starters and other things in our bug out bags for practice and because it's fun. When we are on overlanding and camping trips, the stuff inside is used a lot. I'm thinking using them so much is a good thing. It helps me be sure that everything works. I can keep an eye on the water and alcohol fuel bottles to keep them full, make sure the medicine in the first aid kit has not expired, and restock with soap, wipes and towels as needed too.

There are some obvious things that should be in a bug out bag: like a compass, some type of shelter, a way to make fire, cutting tools and the like. Ultimately, what's inside a bug out back is as individualized as the person who puts it there.

I'm looking forward to seeing how my bug out bag changes over time. What will stay in it forever? What things will be replaced? What will be taken out?

Following is the list of things that are in my bug out bag today, July 9th, 2016. Beside many, there is a link that will take you to that item on Amazon.


Ibagbar backpack


Cutting, sawing and whacking tools in my bug out bag 


Making fire and cooking items in my bug out bag


Water and hygiene stuff in my bug out bag

  • Nalgene Tritan wide mouth BPA-free water bottle, 1-quart:
  • Sawyer Products SP128 Mini Water Filtration System (This product works as both a pass-through filter as well as a straw. It's rated to filter up to 100,000 gallons of water.):
  • Katadyn Micropur MP1 individually wrapped water purification tablets:
  • Wilderness Wash - biodegradeable soap:
  • Dead Down Wind Field Washcloths (no scent - scent removal):
  • Coleman iodine water purification tablets   
  • Microfiber towel
  • Paper towels
  • Kleenex
  • Bandanas 


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